Welcome to Read Our Lips Australia

Australia's online lipreading program

Start Your Lipreading Practice Now

Level 1 Introductory Course 8 Lessons

What Are The Benefits?

This online learning program includes 8 lessons to teach you lipreading techniques.

  • Learn and practice lipreading at your own pace from the comfort of your own home.

  • Feel more confident about your ability to communicate in challenging listening environments by learning to identify 8 of the easiest lip movements.

  • Feel more connected to conversations and the world around you. Video lessons (with captions for hearing accessibility) help you start, or build on, your ability to lipread.

Continue Your Lipreading Practice

Level 2 Advanced Word Practice - 8 Lessons

Is This Online Learning Program For You?

Click the play button above to find out!

Improve Your Communication Skills

Perfect for beginners or for those who have already learned lipreading to practice your skills at home

Why You Should Learn With Read Our Lips Australia?

The Read Our Lips Australia online learning program is created by experienced lipreading instructors to help you practice key movements of the mouth.

Self-paced video lessons allow you to check your progress and quiz yourself at every step. 

Practice as much as you want or need. Try your first lesson for free to see how you can make communication easier.

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